This page holds some available plugins that can be installed into your Allay server.
Adding Your Plugins¶
You are free to add your plugins and themes to the site, just open a new PR.
To add a plugin, you should edit docs/plugins.toml
and add your plugin to the end of proper list.
Available Plugins¶
ServerInfo by daoge_cmd
Show some information through scoreboard & bossbar.
Spark by Luck, IWareQ, daoge_cmd
A performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Terra by daoge_cmd, IWareQ, dfsek, duplexsystem, Astrash, solonovamax, Sancires, Aureus, RogueShade
Voxel world generation modding platform.
RemoteCommand by daoge_cmd
Execute server command through http interface.
allaymc-kotlinx by MineBuilder
Kotlin-style Extension Library and Shared Standard Library for Allay Server
allaymc-nodejs-runtime by MineBuilder
A Node.js runtime for Allay!
allaymc-kts-host by MineBuilder
Load Kotlin Script in Allay!
AllayScalaLibrary by scala
Scala standard library and scala toolkit packages for allay.