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Getting Started

Starting an Allay server would be very easy! The following guide will help you to install and run your first Allay server.

Install Java

Allay is written and running in java 21, so you need to install java 21. There are several version of java, and we recommend you to use GraalVM for the best performance. OpenJDK is also a good choice if you want to have a stable experience.


If you are going to use GraalVM, please install the lastest LTS version instead of java 21 version.

After you have installed java 21, you can check if it is installed correctly by running the following command:

java --version

And if you have your java 21 installed correctly, the java version will be shown with no error message.

AllayLauncher is a small and fast tool written in c++ for downloading, updating and managing Allay.

To install it, you just need to run one command:

Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "").Content
wget -qO- | bash

Install Allay Manually

Download Allay

You can download the latest release from GitHub. If you want to take a look at the latest in-development features, you can also try Nightly Build, which is the latest build of the master branch.

Run Allay

You should now have a file named allay-server-<version of allay server>-<git hash>[-dev]-shaded.jar, and an example name is allay-server-0.1.0-dev-shaded.jar. If there is a dev flag in the file name, it means that this is a development version. If your platform has a graphical interface, you can just double-click the jar file to run it, then a window will pop up if you have installed java correctly:


If you are running on a server which does not have graphical interface, you can run the following command to start the server:

java -jar allay-server-*-shaded.jar

And the same output will be shown in the console.
