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Use Forms

Form is a special feature that exists in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, which allows player to read and input data in a user-friendly way. Allay provides a powerful form API that allows plugins to create and handle forms easily.

Create and Send a Form

Let's say you want to show a simple form to the player when they join the server. About how to register event listeners, please refer to register an event listener.

import org.allaymc.api.eventbus.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import org.allaymc.api.form.Forms;
import org.allaymc.api.utils.TextFormat;

public class MyEventListener {
    private void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
                .title(TextFormat.BLUE + "allay-chan")
                .content(TextFormat.GREEN + "Welcome to the server!")

🥳 And that's it!. Build and install your plugin, and when players join the server, they will see a form with the content Welcome to the server!:


Handle Form Response

Let's get deeper. You may want to ask a player if they like your server and reply with different content based on the player's options. Here's how you can do it:

import org.allaymc.api.eventbus.EventHandler;
import org.allaymc.api.eventbus.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import org.allaymc.api.form.Forms;
import org.allaymc.api.utils.TextFormat;

public class MyEventListener {
    private void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
        var player = event.getPlayer();
        Forms.modal() /*(1)!*/
                .title(TextFormat.YELLOW + "Do You Like Allay?")
                .content(TextFormat.GREEN + "Please tell us if you like allay-chan!")
                .trueButton(TextFormat.GREEN + "Yes", () -> player.sendText("Thank you!"))
                .falseButton(TextFormat.RED + "No", () -> player.sendText("Sorry to hear that!"))
  1. ⭐ Modal form is a form type that only has two buttons.

And when players join the server, they will see a form with the title Do You Like Allay? and two buttons Yes and No. When the player clicks on the Yes button, they will receive a message Thank you!, and when they click on the No button, they will receive a message Sorry to hear that!:


Available Form Types

Here are all available form types that you can use in minecraft:

Type Description
Simple Simple form can use buttons, and server will receive response when the player presses a button. It is very useful if you want to serve player a set of options and let him choose one.
Modal Modal form is a small form that has two buttons. It is suitable for letting player to confirm something.
Custom Custom form is a form that can use a lot of different elements such as dropdown, slider, toggle and has a submit button at the bottom. It can be used when you want player to submit some data.
